Sunday 31 January 2010

Zechariah/Shallum - What comes around goes around...

So once again we spent a while recapping..

Zechariah is the son of Jeroboam II, and once again 'did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat'. He only reigns 6 months, and we don't really read anything of him apart from that little synopsis. Then a guy called Shallum (son of Jabesh) comes along, and kills him in front of everyone, and becomes king instead. This actually fulfils what God had said to Jehu, that 'your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation'[2 Kings 10:30] - Zechariah is the fourth generation after Jehu. God keeps his promises!

So Shallum is king... and reigns 'a full month'...because a guy called Mehanem (son of Gadi) comes along and kills him and becomes king instead. Sound familiar?

So what comes around goes around... We need to be brave and break out that vicious circle!

1 comment:

Paul said...

this is basically the same notes as i got. just commenting so jon knows i actually read it.. =)