Sunday 7 September 2008

Another Look at Creation

Argh, first day back. We spent most of this morning going over what we did last session, what we plan to do this session, and air.

The main thing we looked at from last year were some of the parallels between Creation and other things described in the Bible. I can remember two seperate bits we looked at - if there were more, remember them yourself.

Firstly, the Sun. Jesus is often linked with the sun, and the links are obvious. There are several instances in the NT where He is described as the 'Light of the World' - you wouldn't think it could get much more straightforward than that, but it does.
Malachi 4:2 prophesies of a 'Sun of Righteousness' that will arise with healing in His wings. The sun brings light and provides the energy needed to sustain life on earth. There are probably more similarities in there we could look at, but we didn't.

We also considered clouds, and the water cycle as a whole. It's interesting that thousands of years before modern science, Job writes how God:

Draws up drops of water
Which distill as rain from the mist
Which the clouds drop down
And pour abundantly on man.

Again, there are parallels we can take from this - the influence of Jesus (the sun) causes certain droplets (believers) to separate from the sea (of nations) and rise up to condense in clouds (ecclesias?) which in turn rain down purified water (preaching?) onto the earth. It's interesting there to notice how when water is evaporated it leaves behind many of the impurities and extra bits it had, such as salt. I thought so, anyway.

Hebrews picks up on this as well, speaking of a 'great cloud of witnesses.' As clouds, it's the ecclesias' job to go forth and water all the earth.

No doubt there'll be more next week. Stay tuned, folks. And sorry for the gap between hearing and blogging.

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