Wednesday 12 March 2008

9 march 2008 - Daniel chapter 12

The chapter is the last chapter in Daniel and it is about the time of the end. Daniel chapter 12 leads on to the book of revalation. Daniel is told to seal the book, to seal the word. where as in Revalation, John is told to send it to ecclesias and spread it around for all to hear.
We all had to make comments of what we thought and understood in the chapter. Verse 1 was a time of trouble before the end, the world was going to get worse, it was also about Michael - an archangel. Michael also appears in chapter 10 v13 + 21 where he helps Daniel. Michael is also in Jude verse 9 and revalation 12 v 7. In verse 2 of Daniel chapter 12, it is a picture, a picture of hope and judgement, and that continues on to verse 3. Verse 5 was about the river pointing forward to the river of life - revalation 22 v 1+2. In verse 12 it is a blessing for those who wait in faith until the end comes. Verse 13 is that there is a place in the kingdom allotted to Daniel it also links to Revalation 20 v 6 - you will be granted everlasting life when Christ returns.
We don't know the starting date for the world, so we have to be prepared for when the end does come. We always wait until the last minute to do something, don't do that for Christ, he could come at anytime.


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